Thursday, January 27, 2011

Polar Bear Facts

How many polar bears are there?

With the recent new of global warning, and the statements that the polar bear is the first animal to become endangered because of global warming many people are wondering how many polar bears are there? Researches estimate that there are between 22 000 and 40 000 polar bears in the world. Close to half of the polar bear population lives in Canada.

Where else to polar bears live?

With majority of the polar bear population living in northern Canada, then where does the rest of the population of polar bears live? Most polar bears inhabit the Arctic and around the North Pole.The countries that encompass the Arctic include Canada, Russia, Norway, Denmark (Greenland) and Alaska (United States).

Temperatures in the Arctic

The temperatures that the polar bears have to endure in the winter can range from -40°F (-40°C) to as cold as -90°F (-90°C). The summer months can be much warmer for the polar bears with temperatures reaching to 77°F (25°C). Polar bears have to be able to handle 100° difference in temperature between the seasons.

This is taken with reference to

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hello, lets take a look at the picture shall we?
 It appears that this poor polar bear is lying motionless on the bed of snow. what happen was this polar is suffering from heat exhaustion.
This scene has happen not more than once. according to report, Average annual temperatures in that area have gone from 20 degrees to  0 to 15 below zero in the last 30 years, and these giant creatures simply can not withstand the excess heat.
Polar Bears are known for their fur. Many other hunters are trying to kill the polar bears for their fur and sell illegeally. This has cause a rapid decrease in the numbers of polar bears.
And why is this happening?
it is because of our daily actions. example wasting electricity and excessive release of carbon monoxide.
what do you think can be done to help our envrioment as well as the polar bears.
Leave your comments below.
Thank you.!
We can do our part in saving the polar bear the only obstruction is our will power to excecute it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Changes Of The Earth: Global Warming

While the effect of human activity on the global climate is hotly debated, physical signs of environmental changes are showing all around us.

Fig. 1 shows the increase in temperature

The troposphere is the lower part of the atmosphere which is about 10-15km thick. Within the troposphere there are gases called greenhouse gases. When sunlight reaches the earth, some of the heat are absorbed and trap near the earth's surface. This process is also known as greenhouse effect. The amount of heat trapped in the troposphere determines the temperature on earth. The amount of heat trapped in the troposphere depends on concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases which consist of carbon dioxide, CFCs, nitrogen oxides and methane. Hence by producing more carbon dioxide, more heat will be trapped on earth. The increase in the world’s temperature is part of global warming.

Carbon dioxide is increased mainly during the production when coal, oil and natural gas are burned. This is to produce energy for transportation, manufacturing, heating, cooling, electricity generation, and other applications. Vegetation contains carbon that is released as carbon dioxide when the vegetations decays or burns. So deforestation also affects the temperature of the world and contribute to global warming.

This shows that our unlimited wants are altering the composition of the atmosphere and contributing to climate change. As a result of global warming, it will then cause melting of ice caps on the poles, which can cause flooding of the inhabited continents.